Newsletter Articles
We’ve archived a series of newsletters, titled Benefit Insights, to help answer questions you might have about the operation and administration of retirement plans, as well as changes in legislation. You’ll find a new article here every quarter.
The Retirement Income Gap
Many American workers participate in company retirement plans, methodically contributing to their accounts over time to fund for life after work. Beyond benefiting from employer-funded plans, retirees commonly draw from additional savings tucked away in IRAs or after-tax savings accounts as well…
Helpful Hints for Plan Sponsors
Being a plan sponsor comes with a good bit of responsibility. You’ve taken the important step of hiring a third-party administration firm to help you navigate the myriad of processes that are required to keep your plan in compliance with applicable regulations…
Who Is an Employee?
Maintaining a retirement plan for your employees is no easy task. At various points during the year, employers and HR departments field participant questions, help with enrollments, deliver notices and statements, and participate in the distribution process…
HSA vs. 401(k)
If your company has decided to offer a high deductible health plan, don’t worry, you are not alone. Recent studies show that an increasing number of employers have elected to offer high deductible health plans (HDHP) either to completely replace or be offered in conjunction with a more traditional Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)plan or Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) plan…
Upcoming Compliance Deadlines (Spring-Summer 2018)
The first quarter of the calendar year typically sees an uptick in the number of retirement plan distributions and participant loans. This year may be even busier than most, given the relief announced by the IRS for victims of the recent hurricanes and wildfires…
Navigating Distributions
After many rounds of negotiations, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 20th, 2017. Though retirement plan limit reductions were included in many iterations of the bill, the ultimate effect on qualified plans was relatively minimal.
Under the New Tax Law (Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, 2017)
After many rounds of negotiations, Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on December 20th, 2017. Though retirement plan limit reductions were included in many iterations of the bill, the ultimate effect on qualified plans was relatively minimal…
End of the Year Checklist & iWork: The Next-Gen Workforce
Earlier this year, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 was passed by Congress and signed into law. While this law made several changes that impact retirement plans, one provision changing the rules around hardship distributions is particularly notable. As a result of...
Fiduciary Rule Round Up
There has been much upheaval in the retirement world as of late and it centers around the new fiduciary rule. The New Fiduciary Rule means that many investment professionals that weren't previously considered fiduciaries will now have to take on that role. So, why is...
Retirement Plan Rx
The latest news regarding retirement plans has centered around service provider fees. While fees are a highly important aspect of managing an employer-sponsored retirement plan, they are not the only metric of your overall retirement plan's health. A low-cost...
Of course, we’d be happy to hear your questions personally. We’ve got answers.
Red Bank Pension Services: independent, flexible, experienced
We’re leaders in retirement plan administration.
How can we help you get where you want to go?

Phone: (732) 747-1540
Email: [email protected]