Newsletter Articles

We’ve archived a series of newsletters, titled Benefit Insights, to help answer questions you might have about the operation and administration of retirement plans, as well as changes in legislation. You’ll find a new article here every quarter.

Why Red Bank Pension Services
The IRS is Back with Some Brand New Corrections

The IRS is Back with Some Brand New Corrections

Let's face it. Finding out that the IRS wants to poke around is not going to be the highlight of anyone's day. Voluntarily admitting a mistake to the IRS and asking for forgiveness is probably even lower on the wish list! So hearing about new voluntary corrections...

The Right Combination for Your Retirement Plan

The Right Combination for Your Retirement Plan

Although not a new design, there has been renewed interest in the "combo plan" as a way for higher income business owners to turbocharge their retirement savings. The term "combo plan" generally refers to the combination of a defined contribution plan (usually a...

The Best Plan to Drive Your Retirement Needs

The Best Plan to Drive Your Retirement Needs

Excuse me, can you tell me what kind of car is best for me? It is impossible to answer that question without getting more information…how will the car be used? What is the budget? For fuel efficiency and driving in a crowded downtown area, maybe a Smart Car is best....

Automatic Enrollment for 401(k) Plans

Automatic Enrollment for 401(k) Plans

McDonald's may have been the automatic enrollment pioneer 30 years ago, but it wasn't until 2008 when the new Pension Protection Act rules kicked in that it really started to gain serious momentum. Since that time, articles have regularly extolled the virtues and...

Timing Is Everything

Timing Is Everything

For years now, we have been hearing from the Department of Labor (DOL) about the importance of depositing employee 401(k) deferrals and loan payments as quickly as possible. While that continues to be the case, it seems that there is not nearly as much commentary...

Year-End Compliance Testing Overview

Year-End Compliance Testing Overview

The end of the calendar year is fast approaching which means the plan year end for many qualified plans. It will be time for plan sponsors to collect complete employee data to enable their service providers to perform the numerous compliance tests required to retain...

Hardship Distributions from 401(k) Plans

Hardship Distributions from 401(k) Plans

It's four o'clock on Friday afternoon and there's a knock on the door of the Human Resource Manager's office. It's Zachary, a fairly new employee who entered the company's 401(k) plan last month. He's been deferring $40 a week into the plan, which means he has...

The Ultimate Plan Sponsor Checklist

The Ultimate Plan Sponsor Checklist

While they don't have a book called Retirement Plan Sponsorship for Dummies, they should. So in the interim, here is a checklist that plan sponsors should review that can help them develop good practices and avoid unnecessary liability in their stewardship of...

Ready or Not, Here it Comes…the PPA Plan Restatement

Ready or Not, Here it Comes…the PPA Plan Restatement

It's time again to participate in that never ending ritual of qualified retirement plan restatements. As legislation affecting retirement plans is enacted, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requires all plan sponsors to restate or "rewrite" their plans to conform to...

The Continuing Evolution of the Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan

The Continuing Evolution of the Safe Harbor 401(k) Plan

The safe harbor 401(k) plan roared onto the scene in 1998 as a new design that allowed company owners and other highly compensated employees to maximize their salary deferrals even when other employees contributed at relatively low levels. Over the last 16 years,...

Of course, we’d be happy to hear your questions personally. We’ve got answers.

Red Bank Pension Services: independent, flexible, experienced

We’re leaders in retirement plan administration.
How can we help you get where you want to go?

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